
From Red & Green to Pink

Here are a couple of simple Valentine's Day cards I created yesterday:Supplies: Die Cuts with a View card; Making Memories paints, "Simply Fab" foam stamps, TinyAlpha stickers, and rub-on.Supplies: Die Cuts with a View card; My Mind's Eye and Chatterbox pattern papers; QuicKutz heart die (RS-0010); Making Memories "love" rub-on.2ps Blog Challenge:Do you have any plans for the last day of 2007?Yes, I'm working today. Tonight Trent & I are going...


Small Space Organization {Crop In Style}

Probably my favorite new scrapping piece is my Crop In Style modular unit. It's a combination of four pieces - (2) Accessorizer cubes with added inserts and (2) 3-drawer Organizer cubes. I constructed a base for them to sit on using wood 2x4s and base molding. That idea I lifted from a user at Two Peas - abrandstetter.The top left cube holds my patterned papers in a Cropper Hopper Vertical holder. I have them divided by theme and a few by category...


Gift Cards for the Salvation Army

Looking for a way to help out? Last night I saw a news article on a local tv station's website about how your unused gift cards can assist the Salvation Army. The idea is simple. If you have a gift card you don't plan to use or maybe has just a small bit of change left, send it to the Salvation Army. Then the Salvation Army forwards the cards to a company in California to exchange into cash and they get 70% of the converted cash for use in the...


Small Space Organization {Scrapping Desk}

Each year after Christmas and with the New Year on the horizon, I tend to get into a spring cleaning mood a bit early. This year I thought I would share some of the scrap room organization ideas I've incorporated over the past year. I'm going to break it up into multiple posts over the next few days. Hopefully, you'll find a bit of inspiration. :) Click on any of the images for a better view.The room where I "play" is the smallest bedroom in...


Quick Update

Last night I went out with a friend of mine from college (Hi, Kim!!) who is in town for the holidays. We had a blast and I didn't get in until after 10. Which, on a weeknight, is late for me. I hurried to bed and didn't get a chance to post.The turkey casserole on Christmas night was good. Trent really liked it a lot. Personally, I think it was a bit too cheesy. I'll try it again (maybe even with chicken) but cut back to 1 cup of cheese and...


Merry Christmas!

Trent & I have spent a quiet day at home. I've done a little scrapbooking but nothing is complete just yet. Hopefully I'll have time later this week to finish what I've started.We baked a turkey breast for lunch along with some traditional sides - green beans, cranberry sauce, biscuits, and sweet tea [a southern staple at any meal ;) ]. We're having some of the leftover turkey tonight for dinner. I found a recipe online for Turkey Macaroni...


Five More Altered Cards

I did it! :) All caught up on my altered playing cards. Here they are starting with last Thursday's card:Supplies: Chatterbox patterned paper; Making Memories brads, anchors, wordfetti, and rub-ons; Angelina font; misc. off white cardstock; Micron black pen; Me & My Big Ideas woven label.Friday, December 21:Supplies: Bazzill and misc. cardstock; Making Memories definition and letter stickers; Uniball Signo white pen.Saturday, December 22:Supplies:...

What a Wonderful Weekend

Trent & I were away from home Friday through late last night visiting with family. The photo above I took of the tree at my mother & stepfather's house. It looked so beautiful at night all lit with the reflection on the wood floors. We had a fun weekend with them and my brother. Then headed to Trent's parents' house yesterday for Christmas with them, his siblings, aunt, uncle and grandparents. A fun time all around. :)I'm behind on...


The Fallen Ornament Mystery

I found inspiration for tonight's card on Toni's blog. She commented about her kittens knocking ornaments off the tree. Fortunately, neither Cali nor Chester have ever paid too much attention to the Christmas trees (well, except for Ches loving to sit under it). When we lived in apartments, we had a 3' tall artificial tree and they'd sniff it out (like all new things) and then go about their usual daily activities. I worried a tad bit the first...



Besides playing with my blog set-up, I've been working on my altered playing card for today. Yesterday, my friend Katy, left me a comment regarding Sunday's card. The last sentence caught my eye: "What a fun thing to play with, and they are so small, it really makes them seem do-able!" The small size was part of what enticed me to start this project. Doing a 12x12 scrapbook page (or even 8x8) would be too time-consuming for me to fit in every...

New blog toys

I've been having fun playing around with my blog and discovering cool new web gadgets and gizmos. Most recently I added 3 new features. The first has been around for a few weeks and you may or may not have noticed it. It's called SmartLinks. Basically, I added a small piece of script that, when I include supported links in my blog, you'll see a little blue icon beside the link. Click on it and get a variety of links related to that item. For...


Fuzzy Socks

So long to the hot weather we had a couple weeks ago - looks like winter may have found us yet. Tonight's temps are dropping into the low 20s. A far cry from the 70s & 80s I had enjoyed! So I'm bundled up which led to tonight's inspiration - my fun, fuzzy socks. ;)Supplies: Making Memories metal index tab and wordfetti & TinyAlpha stickers; misc. dark blue cardstock; Uniball Signo white pen.I worked on my altered card both standing at...


Peppermint Mochas

This afternoon one of my neighbors and I got together at Starbucks and enjoyed Peppermint Mochas while taking care of HOA business. We've become the lone two on the architectural review committee. This was a nice way to get the work done and then enjoy a bit of catching up.Supplies: Starbucks beverage wrap; snowflake punch; Die Cuts with a View adhesive backed white cardstock; misc. green cardstock; Uniball signo white pen.edited to add...2ps blog...


Good Eats

It's been a busy couple of days! The Christmas shopping is all done. Almost all the gifts are wrapped. And the few I need to ship are boxed. I just need to weigh them tomorrow and print the labels. :)Last night we had my annual company Christmas party at Zely & Ritz Tapas Restaurant in downtown Raleigh. This was the first time either of us had eaten there and it was delicious! Just a great evening overall.Supplies: Chatterbox patterned...


Wrapping Gifts

A simple little card for tonight inspired by Dec 7 of dw2007 to use wrapping paper as patterned paper:Yes, I just began wrapping presents tonight! Good thing too since I had almost no tissue paper. Looks like that will be on the list for my errands tomorrow. I have lots and lots of wrapping paper though. :) Each year I go shopping at Hallmark after Christmas and stock up for the following year. I also buy my cards at that time and just pack...


Yellow Glass Ornament

Angela Daniels posted a photo of her ornaments last week on her blog. It got me thinking about how I should start photographing and recording why certain ornaments have special meaning to me. Our tree has some typical shiny "filler" balls that are just ornaments. But it also is full of ornaments that tell a story. With that idea in mind and the prompt from Dec 6 of dw2007 ("create a unique border..."), I created tonight's card:Supplies: "Black...


An Early Gift

I was soooo excited [can you tell I was excited? ;) ] to come home today and find my prize package from Autumn Leaves! I won the September designing with 2007 contest at Two Peas in a Bucket and was allowed to select a prize. I asked for the "A Rhonna Christmas" line by Rhonna Farrer. Also, they sweetly added the Autumn Leaves book Designing with Details. Loving it all! Here's a photo of the goodies:My winning entry for the contest was this...


Hey, Baby, it's HOT outside!

Recording setting hot no less. Today is officially the warmest December day in history around here and the next couple of days look to be just as hot. The a/c was flipped on at work. So far Trent & I have not turned it back on at home, but the windows are open and ceiling fans running.Last week Trent & I talked about how nice it would be to take a walk to look at Christmas lights and maybe we would do so over the weekend when the lows...

To Do List

Already "having a Monday" and it's not even half done. Thought I would share a comic strip I found posted today on Mutts Comics for everyone who also needs a laugh. I'm betting it pretty accurately portrays the day Cali & Chester are having. Of course, their list will also include "eat" and "chase my sibling." ...


Just call me 'Cinderella'...

minus the crown and fancy digs. LOL And, yes, this tale will explain the reason I have a photo posted of my laundry closet. Actually, Trent said I should take a photo. I think it's to prove that there was a time when it really was clean! ;) The tale starts earlier today when Trent commented on how he wanted to move our toolbox (which currently lives in the coat closet) into the laundry closet. As I have mentioned before, we have a small home...


Christmas in Downtown Raleigh

What a wonderful day! Today Trent & I went into downtown Raleigh for my birthday present. Instead of giving me an item, his gift to me was a trip to visit some of the historic sites in our own county. We've toured lots of interesting places (historic homes, museums, parks, etc) in various other cities we have visited over the years, but keep missing out on some of the special places in our own "neck of the woods." We decided a couple weeks...