
Whose Idea

The larger our playgroup grows, the more challenging to manage to get us all together. Last summer on one such lucky day, we dared to attempt a photo of all 8 kids. I had to use one of the "Sarcastically Said" banners to title this because it's so true. The entire thing cracks me up now as I think back to how challenging it was to get them all on the couch together. We had several cameras going. Moms making funny faces & noises. Didn't matter....


Wanna play a game?

Several times a day now, we hear "wanna play a game?" I first picked up a couple classic kids board games (Candy Land and Chutes & Ladders - albeit the last one is the Toy Story version) in the spring at a thrift store and consignment sale respectively and the interest in games began. Not that Dylan always wanted to play by the rules. ;) For his birthday, he received 3 new games - UNO Moo!, Busytown Eye Found It!, and Chuggington Let's Ride...


Friday Freebie: Aquarium template

I have a 2-page 12x12 digital scrabpooking template to share this month! It's based off the Aquarium page I created last fall and contains 11 layers. It's free for personal use only. Click here to download the Aquarium template Enjoy! Have you missed one of my previous digital freebies? Click HERE to find them. And, don't forget to subscribe to my feeds so you won't miss future freebie...


36 Hours

This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. Last week while in Virginia visiting family, Trent & I took off on our own for a little adventure leaving Dylan with his grandparents and uncle. I took quite a few photos with both my iPhone and DSLR. In the past week, I've uploaded them and created this 5x7 photo book on Shutterfly. This is the fastest I've ever created a photo book...


[almost] Wordless Wednesday: Red Peppers

Grown by Dylan! He's so proud of his red pepper plant and was giddy yesterday morning when we cut off the first two. :) Linking up to Wordless Wednesday: July 25 and Sarah Halstead's Boys & Dirt {WW #...


Geoffery's Birthday Club

I signed Dylan up for the Toys R Us Geoffery's Birthday Club when he was an infant. Each year it has resulted in a birthday card from Geoffery that includes a coupon/gift card for a small amount. This year the card had a coupon for $3 off a $3 or more purchase and a second coupon for a free Chuggington wooden train car. We visited the Cary location on Saturday to pick out his train car. As we were checking out, I commented to the cashier about...


Blast Off Birthday Party

This year, we had a space themed party to celebrate Dylan's 3rd birthday. The idea originated from a printables set I won from Deena Rutter last fall. I used invites from the set, but changed the text portion: Not trusting that the weather would be as cooperative as last year, we decided to book his party at a local indoor playspot - PlayNation. The kids had a great time burning energy indoors on the swing sets, in the bounce house and playhouses,...



My happy, energetic, sweet little boy is three today! Last week we visited a greenway near our house for a little photo shoot in the rocket t-shirt I made for his party (details on that soon!). This one was all him - where & how to pose. The best smile too. :) Holding up 3 fingers can be tricky: Benches are fun for swinging your feet on while posing for mama: And simply taking a stroll (admittedly, he was walking away and I only...


Nightstand Revamp

I inherited a few pieces of furniture from my maternal grandmother. Growing up, I had the full bedroom set in my room. Today, only the dresser, mirror and nightstand. I love these pieces. They are sentimental and well made, solid wood. Both pluses. The only dislike - the cream/gold finish and how aged they have become. For quite a while I've debated painting them but something else was always taking priority. Now that we're staging our home for sale,...


Packing & Staging

If you follow me on Twitter or Instagram, you already know that there's been a lot of this ... a little of this ... And a whole lot of this ... Labels source: The Nest Effect going on. After 9 years, we're getting ready to put our house on the market which means clearing out, packing up and staging. This is our first home which means our first time selling. Got any ti...


Cars Party layout

Hard to believe a year has past since we had our Cars party for Dylan's 2nd birthday: What a fun day celebrating with his playgroup! This past Saturday we hosted a space themed party for this 3rd birthday. I'll share pictures of that fun soon! It was a "blast" to say the least. (oh, terrible pun! LOL) Supplies: Recollect kit by Sara Schmutz; Toolbox - Mist v1 and Favorite Things 2 papers by Gennifer Bursett; Scalloped paper by 2paws Designs;...


Blast Off Party prep

Where does the time go? Tomorrow we're having a party to celebrate Dylan's upcoming 3rd birthday! Here's a little peek at the preparation going on ... Favor label credits: Deena Rutter Design...


backyard pool fun

One of my photos from Shoot & Edit last year was this one of Dylan playing in our backyard. He had the best time dumping water on himself using that dump truck! It was a perfect fit with pieces from this week's 4 Play challenge at DHD. Supplies: Linen Line #3 papers by Agnes Biro; County Fair Part 1 by Sara Schmutz; Secretary Stamps & Brush set by Shannon Hegarty; She Is elements by Audrey Ne...


Wordless Wednesday: American Tobacco
