
Kitchen: Pots and Pans Organizer

We have a reasonably long "to do" list for the kitchen in our house. Nothing overly pressing. Mostly wants. One of which was conquered over the weekend thanks to a Christmas gift. The pots and pans cabinet has always been a frustration. Even in our last house. Pots stacked inside one another would get stuck and scratched up so we tried to stack larger on top of small which made an odd tower. Our pans and lids were also stacked as well. We were...


Disney on Ice: Let's Celebrate

Trent surprised me a couple months ago by telling me he bought the three of us tickets to Disney on Ice: Let's Celebrate! We used to love going every year. It was quite often his birthday gift to me. Then we stopped going when Dylan was born and began waiting until we felt he was old enough to sit, watch and enjoy. What we didn't do (unlike our trip to Walt Disney World last May) was tell Dylan until we were in our seats. He was so excited and pretty...


Preschooler Pieced Christmas Tree Cards

Today is the Christmas celebration at preschool. We'll be leaving work early to see the kids do a small show (a carol or two perhaps?), have some snacks and, of course give the teachers a gift to celebrate the season but also say thank you. While I love Pinterest and crafting, I keep things simple and give the teachers a gift card. I did want to do something special though. The idea quickly came to me - have Dylan create a card for each of them. After...



What a roller coaster of emotions the last twelve months have been. Our lives are in many ways vastly different than I imagined them a year ago today. And this month? It's been harder emotionally than I could have imagined. Today marks one year to the day since I heard words that would shock, sadden and crush me. Nothing can prepare you to both see your baby on an ultrasound screen for the first time and hear the words "I'm sorry" all in one breath....


Travel Photo Contest Entry

For the last couple of years, I've intended to enter the local paper's annual Travel Photo Contest. I procrastinated and never did. This year? I procrastinated to within 2 hours of the end of the submission period. But, I got it in. Part of my issue has always been picking one photo. I love lots of photos I take for various reasons, but wanted to select just the right one for this. There were 3 categories and you could only enter one photo in one...


Instajunction Photo Gifts

Take a lot of Instagram photos? I do. Print a lot of your Instagram photos? Neither do I. Which is sad because I share a LOT and (may I toot my own horn here?) I think a lot are pretty awesome so I really should. Thus, I was excited when given the opportunity to try Instajunction - a new company in the UK dedicated to turning your Instagram photos into beautiful gifts. A few of the products offered from Instajunction Honestly, the hardest two...


Gift Idea: Share a Unique Children's Book from Blurb

In our family, there isn't much better than a new book especially to a certain 4 year old. Every night it's a hurry to get ready for bed to be sure we have time to pick a special one (or two) and snuggle up to read. Looking for a new favorite to gift for the holidays? Take a look at the children's selection at Blurb. It includes an assortment of self-published children's book you won't find anywhere else this holiday season. Title: The Great...


The Tree was Trimmed

We bought our tree on December 1st. Added lights the next day. And then finally got around to the ornaments yesterday. It's been a busy month already so we intentionally saved the ornaments to a day when we had time to devote to them. I set up the DSLR on a tripod and used the timer to take a few photos trying to get a picture of all 3 of us for our December Daily album. The only shot that had all 3? This one and it cracks me up. I guess Trent...


December Daily: days 1 - 3

A small glimpse of the first three days of our December: How has your month start...